Is 3D scanning a privacy concern?

Is new technology threatening privacy in new ways? (Image courtesy of adamr /

Is new scanning technology threatening your privacy in new ways? (Image courtesy of adamr /

Maybe you’ve heard about some of the privacy worries and fist fights or people getting kicked out of businesses over Google Glass and fears of being filmed.  It seems to be the thing replacing 3D printing of guns in mainstream media in terms of new technology concerns.  I’ve also heard of door mats that will weigh everyone who comes to visit you.  Are these things invasion of privacy or just the natural evolution of cellphone video cameras and cameras at every street intersection? Continue reading

Should 3D Printing Go Open Source?

File:Roadster 2.5 windmills trimmed.jpg

This is now open source!

You may have seen in the press this week that Elon Musk has released all of Tesla’s electric car patents into the public domain.  In doing this he channeled a classic video game quote titling the release, “All Our Patent Are Belong to You.”  Just like it has benefited computer software (WordPress, Firefox, OpenOffice, Audacity, etc.) , it appears “open source” is benefiting 3D printing with low cost and high quality alternatives to commercial 3D printers and traditional CAD software. Continue reading

T-Minus 2 Months: 3D Printer Headed for Space Station is Ready for Launch!

The Made In Space 3D printer will be the first manufacturing device ever used off Earth. It will be installed in the International Space Station to print a series of test items in 2014.

The Made In Space 3D printer will be the first manufacturing device ever used off Earth. It will be installed in the International Space Station to print a series of test items in 2014.

Our friends at Made In Space have a HUGE announcement!  We’ve written about their work to put a 3D printer in space in the past and now it appears later this summer it will become a reality!  Please see their exciting release below, we’re hopeful to attend the launch and report live in August! Continue reading

3D Printed Gun Update

Wikimedia Commons

The Liberator 3D Printed gun (from WikiMedia Commons


We wrote a year ago about 3D printed guns and it seems like they continue to be one of the most talked about issues related to the technology.  Michigan Tech even launched a contest called Print for peace in order to highlight non-weapon aspects of 3D printing.  I’ve seen 3D printing in popular culture from TV episodes of Elementary to CSI.  You can even watch a documentary about it and and one museum has even added it to its display because of the historical value.  It seems like when you mention 3D printing, a 3D printed gun comment is soon to follow. Continue reading